Rahul's Blog

Merge a specific change with master, following the master-develop-features git structure

July 23, 2020

push specific to master

This is the current branching structure. For convenience, I am using the naming conventions as
fb-1: feature-branch_1
fb-2: feature-branch_2
fb-3: feature-branch_3


I am currently working on fb-2 whose base is off develop branch The tip of develop branch got diverged after merging changes by other developers working in fb-1 and fb-3.

git develop merge


I want to push the feature in fb-2 to master branch via develop branch by raising pull request in such a way that changes from fb-2 only gets merge with the master, without loosing other features from develop branch.


  1. To pick only fb-2 changes in develop, I’ll use use cherry-pick

    git cherry-pick fb-2

    git develop cherry pick

  2. Push the changes to remote repository

    git push origin develop
  3. Now, I’ll raise a PR from develop to master 🚀.
  4. To bring develop to its initial state

    git reset HEAD^

Written by Rahul Jain         
I write code like I make sandwich